AI as a creative booster

Generative AI is a great gift for our creatives and art directors. We use artificial intelligence for mood boards, image and video editing, image creation, voice adaptations, voice generation and optimization and multi-channel content creation, among other things.

AI as an enabler and efficiency driver

AI makes our processes much more efficient and enables us to achieve much more within the same budget. On the one hand, our clients benefit from the fact that we can act in less time and with leaner budgets and, on the other, from the fact that unique campaigns and designs are created that are only made possible by AI.

Image creation with artificial intelligence

As a technology pioneer, we already generated images with AI in May 2022. The basis for this was open source software from Open AI, which we installed on our server and fed with input. For example, we were able to create visuals for a software conference that represent the various stages of a mountain range to be climbed and then play them out in different styles and angles at the click of a mouse.

A few weeks later, Midjourney came onto the market and has developed rapidly. A light fantasy look was typical of the pictures, which was only suitable for selected projects. Nevertheless, Midjourney was great for us, because we were able to create moodboards for design projects or storyboards for films much faster and also build a funny meme without much effort… Prompting has become a new competence for us.

You could read about new image generators almost every day and each one had different strengths. We have tried many of these text to picture applications and were particularly impressed by Firefly. In our view, the beta version of Firefly has led to much more realistic results than the current commercial Firefly Image 2. Fun fact: in our AI workshops, we play the game “Fake or Real?” with our customers and if we’ve done a good job of prompting, most participants are unable to recognize which images are real and which are generated with AI.

Create vector graphics with AI

Even vector graphics can already be created with AI and recolored at the click of a mouse. Most of our customers have a specific illustration style that they want their new illustrations to reflect. But even that is no problem for AI systems. In addition to the textual description of what should be shown on the illustration, we can load sample illustrations into the system and predefine colors and styles. The results are good templates for our designers, which are then adapted and redrawn.

Generative AI in image processing

We use artificial intelligence by far the most in the area of image and video editing. We expand images so that they are suitable for different formats, delete elements from images or replace them by describing in text what should be shown instead. The AI program generates several suggestions for the extension or the new objects to be inserted based on our text input. This AI-supported image processing speeds up our work considerably and enables complex image processing even for small projects. Images can thus be used in a wide variety of formats and flexibly redesigned.

In addition, we can use artificial intelligence to optimize the resolution of images so that images can be used larger or are sharper.

Video editing and generation with artificial intelligence

Editing and cutting films is much easier with AI, as the spoken word is automatically transcribed as text and changes in the text are transferred to the cut. This allows you to change the length and order of the clips with copy-paste in the transcript or eliminate unwanted pauses and filler words text-based. In addition, we can also expand the video image section or replace elements in the video in video scenes with constant camera settings by combining AI-supported image expansion and video elements.

Video generation with artificial intelligence is still a small niche, but will certainly be very interesting in the future. We have already brought images to life with AI or converted text to video applications for our clients’ social media projects.

Voice generation and optimization with AI

We optimize voices with AI almost every day. For example in podcasts or videos. The artificial intelligence removes unwanted background noise and optimizes the voice so that the recording has a significantly better sound quality. Another interesting application for our customers is voice generation with AI. Text can be generated into voices in all possible accents, languages and intonations. Your own voice can also be cloned and then translated into any language. We see three particular areas of potential for companies here:

On the one hand, a corporate voice can be created that can then also be used across national borders. On the other hand, videos or audio content can be played in different voices depending on preference. Or the voice of a person – for example the salesperson or CEO – could be cloned and then played out in different languages, for example. Data protection and ethical issues have certainly been the biggest stumbling blocks so far.

AI consulting and workshops

If you would like to gain deeper insights into our AI processes or develop a strategy for dealing with generative AI for your company, please feel free to contact us. We advise companies on the integration of AI into their corporate strategy and design workshops on generative AI.

What are semiconductors?

Having grown up as an advertising agency for industrial customers, we have been at home in the world of electronic components for years. Sensors, microcontrollers, security components etc. have become increasingly important in recent years because they are the core components of all electronic devices and there is a shortage of semiconductors. They control everything from toothbrushes to cars, convert solar energy into electricity, form the basis of artificial intelligence and ensure energy efficiency, convenience and safety in almost all areas of our everyday lives. But what exactly are semiconductors?

Semiconductors are the basic material of the chips

The term semiconductor is often used to describe electronic chips or ICs. But that’s not quite right – because semiconductors are actually the material from which chips are made. The special feature of this material – silicon, for example – is that it is a “hermaphrodite” in terms of electrical conductivity: In its initial state, there are no free electrons in it – it then exhibits properties such as non-conductors or insulators. However, if it is exposed to certain external influences such as temperature or light, electrons are released from the atoms, allowing current to flow. The semiconductor takes on the properties of a conductor. This is the basis for components that can be used to control currents. They can in turn be interconnected to form complex circuits (e.g. transistors) in order to process commands and store data.

Small components with a big impact

The structures that are formed in the process are tiny: state-of-the-art production technologies can achieve 2 nanometers! For comparison: a human hair is around 70,000 nanometers thick. This means that 50 billion transistors can be accommodated on a chip the size of a fingernail.

Functional principle of semiconductors

They can perform a wide variety of tasks: As processors, they perform the central computing and control tasks in computers. Other chips store data or convert analog signals (such as sound) into electrical signals, convert electrical energy or measure microscopically small movements.

Corporate Podcast Guide

Podcasts get to the heart of complex topics in an entertaining way and strengthen brand identity. In this Corporate Podcast Guide, we show you how this works and how our agency team implements corporate podcasts for our clients.

Every podcast needs a clear strategy. Define the target audience, podcast goals and how they support your business goals. Should the podcast serve to build the brand, contribute to customer loyalty or appeal to new talent? The strategy is the cornerstone of podcast success and should be clearly formulated. The podcast concept, process, editorial planning and possible interview partners should also be part of the strategy.

Tip: An intro and outro soundbed and a signature question give podcasts a clearly recognizable profile.

The matching podcast name and description

The name of your podcast is crucial. It should be memorable and meaningful and stand out from existing podcasts. The description should be search engine optimized and adapted to your target group, contain relevant keywords and at the same time not be too long.

Tip: The first words of the description are the be-all and end-all, because they determine whether a description is opened and read further or not. So get straight to the point and clearly formulate what the listener can expect.

The visual has a say – even in podcasts

Even though podcasts are an audio-centered medium, appealing visuals are important. Create an appealing cover image and make sure it stands out from the crowd. Use the cover to promote the podcast on social media, for example.

Tip: Individual podcast episodes can also receive visuals. This can be useful for collaborations, well-known interview guests or campaigns, for example.

The perfect podcast host

The choice of host determines the success of a podcast. The host is the central voice of the podcast and, in addition to a pleasant voice, should also have specialist knowledge, moderation skills and charisma in order to establish a strong connection with the listeners. A suitable host increases the authenticity of the podcast and promotes listener loyalty to the format.

Tip: It usually makes sense to hire an external professional presenter, especially for episodes with more than one guest, presentation skills are required to inspire listeners.

The importance of consistency when uploading

Regularity in uploading podcast episodes is one of the keys to long-term listener retention. Consistent releases (daily, weekly or monthly) build trust and help maintain listener engagement.

Tip: Plan your uploads strategically and stick to a fixed publication schedule. Ideally, you should already have a buffer of episodes before the launch of your podcast in order to be able to react to shortfalls at short notice.

Podcast recording – remote or in the studio

Of course, the best possible setting is a recording studio. However, guests are often spread all over the world. Tools such as Squadcast – which we use – or Riverside enable remote recording in very good audio quality, as the audio track is recorded locally and is not affected by the guests’ internet connection. Cloud recording is also available as a backup for these platforms. When recording via remote platforms, it is crucial to use high-quality microphones and a quiet recording environment to minimize background noise.

Tip: Send your guests a high-quality microphone in advance. It is best to provide all interview partners with the same microphone in order to keep the audio quality at a consistent level. We always recommend that our clients give interview guests the microphone as a small thank you for their time. This has become standard practice in the podcasts we manage. And very important: Always carry out an audio check with the interview guests before the actual recording and make sure that the interview guest dials in from the PC and with the microphone that they will be using for the actual recording.

Improving the audio quality and editing the episode

Done, the podcast host has done a great job and the first episode is in the can. Now it’s time to fine-tune the podcast. Remove pauses, filler words, distracting elements and unnecessary sections to create a smooth and appealing listening flow. Professional editing software – we use Adobe Audition – will be a great help here.

Tip: The sound quality of podcasts can be improved enormously with the help of artificial intelligence. We rely on the AI tool Adobe Enhance Speech to improve voice quality and automatically remove background noise.

The right hosting and selection of podcast platforms

So how exactly does the finished episode get onto the individual platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts etc.? Via a podcast hoster. The best-known names here are Buzzsprout, Podbean, Podigee and Libsyn. The podcast host stores your audio files and distributes them automatically to all the platforms you want using the RSS feed, on which the podcast must first be registered. When choosing a hosting provider, criteria such as price, storage space, bandwidth, analysis tools and the possibility of monetization should be taken into account.

Tip: When selecting a podcast hoster, weigh up the criteria that are important to you and choose carefully according to the ratings. We mostly use Buzzsprout and are very satisfied with the performance and support.

SEO with show notes and transcripts (+accessibility)

Almost done – The episode has been uploaded to the hoster, but one crucial element is still missing: the show notes. This description should make it clear what listeners can expect in this episode. Include relevant keywords, information about the guests and, if applicable, links or Linkedin profiles. Shownotes ensure that your podcast can be found in the audio jungle.

Tip: Transcripts are transcripts of the podcast episodes and function like subtitles. Not only will you make your podcast accessible to people with auditory impairments, but your corporate podcast will also be easier for search engines to find.

Marketing and distribution of the podcast

Congratulations, your first episode is live! This is definitely a reason to celebrate: let your colleagues, customers, followers and grandparents know. Marketing a corporate podcast is crucial to increasing its reach. Use existing channels such as websites, social media, newsletters and other podcasts to promote your corporate podcast. Create appealing graphics, teaser videos or quotes from the episodes to generate interest and attract new listeners.

Tip: Prepare social media posts for your interview guests so that it is as easy as possible for them to refer to the podcast on their Linkedin or company social media account. Ideally, the podcast host should also directly instruct listeners to subscribe to the podcast.

Podcast success analysis: the important KPIs

Podcast KPIs could be the total number of downloads, the number of new subscribers per month, the average listening time and, of course, the qualitative feedback from listeners. Your podcast host has integrated analysis functions to track the KPIs that are particularly important to you. How often you create a report also depends on your publication frequency. Monthly or quarterly reports have often proven their worth.

Tip: Don’t just do the reports to impress your manager with downloads, but use them to continuously improve the podcast. One episode was particularly well received? Well, invite the interview guest again and talk about another focus topic from this area. An episode falls far short of expectations? Was it the topic, the audio quality or the release time at 6 p.m. on Christmas Eve? Use the data and make informed content decisions.

Audio Ads – to refinance and promote your podcast

Audio ads are an effective way to refinance your podcast or – in other words – to increase the reach of your podcast. Ads are placed before, in the middle or after the episode. They should be appropriate in terms of content, authentic, to the point and activating. When we create audio ads for our clients, we test different formulations and let the team decide what works best.

Tip: A clear call to action should be formulated at the end of the audio ad.

Focus on your listeners: community management and interaction

Active community management is crucial to building an engaged listener community. Depending on the company and the focus of the podcast, various elements can be used:

  1. Interactive elements: Integrate interactive elements such as polls, Q&A sessions or competitions into your podcast episodes to encourage listener participation.
  2. Feedback loops: Encourage your listeners to give feedback, be it through comments, ratings or direct messages. Take time to respond to their feedback and involve them.
  3. Cultivate relationships: Build personal relationships with your listeners by responding to their questions, taking their concerns seriously and recognizing them as an important part of the community.

Through effective community management, you can gain more loyal listeners, increase engagement and build long-term relationships that go beyond the podcast.

You want to start with a corporate podcast?

Our podcast experts will be happy to support you in bringing your podcast idea to life. Write to us on Whatsapp and arrange a consultation appointment.